Today damn lot of people le!!!! =.=...Cheh...and a lot of "Bak Kut Teh" as well...for those who don't have any single idea what is this "Bak Kut Teh" i'm mentioning about...answer this question, maybe it'll give you a slightest idea...hehe...what does Bak Kut Teh made of...haha...and a lot foreigners people as well >.<
Iced Cafe Latte! A real awesome flavour for a coffee drink! Is sweet but not too sweet! Purrfect! Go get one now while the coffee last! XD
Today is L4D (Left 4 Dead) Training Day! Yeah^^ The internet cafe (Summer Dream) opposite my neighbourhood held a Left 4 Dead Competition..which Saturday (May 16)! Me and my just-formed team, who are...Me, Jia Kai, Ah Poh and Jie Yee decided to go for the challenge! >.< The First Prize can win up to RM1000 and free 10 hours air time for each winning member!^^ But...T.T...this elimination competition applied to 64 teams including us as many people...Hohoho...really getting excited now as I'm waiting to meet up with others and then head straight to our beloved training spot (SINO NET)..XD
Today...She's not feeling well...T.T...really hope she'll get well soon...T.T...
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