Crazy Mode! Sorry for those guys...

What's wrong with me today...reeally reeally in a crazy mode now...

I went to cc...played a lot of Dota today...bout 6 or 7 rounds...omg...

I'm really going crazy...

What is a game of "I kill you! You kill me? Break your Tower! Break my Tower?" kill other players in this game...

That's what I did today...suddenly in the mode of "I am really Crazy right now...please don't come near me! Or I'll touch you!And your family too!" I owned every game...

And I've gotten very "Lan C"...really very very very "Lan C" "LAN C"?...use your imagination...think of every possible things that you will do when you're "Lan C"...ya, I did most of it...I never did that in Dota...but today...I go I "Lan C" everyone I killed...I can tell that they hate me a lot...and i mean a lot...

There's some guy from the opponent team who played maphack (a hack that reveals the entire map, showing your enemy's location and tracking invisible characters)today...everyone hates hacker...but...I hate hackers more than you guys hate...the numbers of hackers are still increasing...hackers = noobs...the main point is...I pawned that player...the story goes like this...

I played as an invisible character, health was only about half...

And that moron, played as Tiny, he came out from no where, with a power-up, HASTE...that makes you go super fast...and he was chasing me...fantastic...

"I'm invisible! How can you know where I'm going?"'re a pharking maphack player...

He tried to stun me..DUH!! I'm in my crazy mode right now!! Dodged your stupid stun skill! "Noob" i typed to him...he chased me again...this time...he tried to throw me up into the sky...Duh!! Do I have to mention it again? I dodged your stupid throw skill...again! "WA...REALLY NOOB" I said to that guy...

That guy...has to be epic failure of all humanity in the entire galaxy...everyone laughed at him...over and over again...failed to kill me...over and over again...he can't touch me while he's playing maphack...and I killed him over and over again...

And then there is one guy who keep spamming humiliating things on the maphack player, his family..his friends..and anyone who's related to bad la this guy...haih...And That GUY WAS ME!!! BWAHAHAHA!!

Wanted to post the replay in the blog..but...forgot to bring pendrive to save it...Haih...

And about...10 something...I started to disturb a lot people in of them are quite "stranger" de...didn't chat with them for years edi...but...spam kao kao on them...they were also surprised by my behaviour...ended up chatting a lot with turn out well^^ we've changed the relationship between us from "strangers" to "friends"...haha...

I Love Crazy Mode...Muackz...

Now...back to normal edi...chilled edi...wakakaka...haih...and I've decided to apologize to those who had been offended by me in the Dota game...and those who were being disturbed by me in MSN...I'll try not to repeat the same mistakes again...Lol...Paise...Oh shoot...look at the time now...really quite tired now...Nitez, everyone^^


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