"Really can join your team?"

Class finish jor...i mean...my dance class...definitely not interested in the account class in Taylors at all!

Currently learning 'poppin'...like robot dance those type de...

It was 8 p.m...I was sitting at a corner in the studio...took out my one of my treasure...my handphone~ it was newly bought...W705! Yeah~ Thx to those a**h***s who robbed my previous handphone...so I'm able to change a new one now^^

I received a text message...Oh! it was from a good old friend...quite happy^^ long time didn't sms with her edi...then I've decided to send a forward greeting message to her...choosing...which one le...hmm...send!

Shoot!...I've send wrong again...zzz...zZZ...pressed wrong contact...again!...sent the message to "her" again...yesterday...I also did the same thing...I think it has became a habit edi...really have to double check the contact list before i send!

Then she replied...with a forward greeting message as well..

Bang! I've finally punched myself in the face! This time didn't hit my nose anymore...

While I was still frustating in a corner...ready for a second punch...

Someone walks toward me...Oh...it was my senior...I've beaten him in my previous first battle^^ hohoho...paise...Don't know the senior's name...:P...Behind him...was Jackson wor...long time didn't see him edi...

"This June of 28th...Raymond will be having a party at this studio...there will be competitions as well...including the popping category...So...I was wondering if u want to join me and Jackson in the popping team?.." The senior asked me..

Only a retard will ask this question...Let me explain why...

Firstly..I've been longing ro go for a performance...

Secondly and also finally...ladies and gentlemen...please sit back and relax...and may I proudly present to you...Jackson from the Raydio, the poppin genius...everyone named him as "poppin genius"...because...it only takes him 2 months to be a pro...while others...quite loooong...

"My god...Oh My God...My Shit...Oh My Shit..." This thought ran through my mind..

I'm stuck at this tough decisions...really tough...cause' I got my final exams on June of 29th!!!! SHIT YOU!!!

It came out from my mouth...I couldn't help it de!

"Really can join your team?" I asked...


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